Tuesday, 15 May 2012

AT Evaluation Models (Class Reflection)

    During tonight's class we listened to three presentations on AT evaluation models.  For my presentation I focused on four models including MPT, SETT, HAAT and WATI.  Although each model had its own focus, it was striking that they all had commonalities. 
     The most important goal shared by all the models was to match the user to the most effective AT that will meet his/her needs within the environments in which the AT would be used.  Because of this goal, all models in some form assessed the person, the environments, and the tasks for which the AT was needed.  I also found that each model emphasised the process of assessment.  In order to select the right AT for a user the process can not be rushed and several steps and factors must be considered.  Although these steps varied from model to model, the importance of moving through them was held as important so that no step was missed.
    Another commonality was that they all stressed the need for collaboration.  Depending on the situation, all parties needed to work together to help select the best form of AT.  For example, people like the user, parents, teachers, OT's and doctors are just a few of the people who might need to collaborate together. 
    I think what I learnt most from tonight's class is that there are many good models to choose from depending on the user and the situation.  What is most important is that the user, the environment, the task and the AT all be considered so that the best fit can be made for the person.  If one piece of the puzzle is missing it is unlikely that the user find the right AT that they can use successfully long term.

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