Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Class Presentation 2

Tonight, we had two class presentations.  In the first group was Dallas, Anna and me and we talked about Social Skills and Autism.  The highlight of our presentation for me was the experience I gained from conducting the interview at my school and hearing about how the other group members' schools were using AT.  It is interesting how the layout of the school both physically and grade level make-up effects how AT is used.  It is also interesting how many schools feel they would benefit from more AT.
      The final presentation was given by Wanda, Dawn and LeAnne and it looked at LD apps.  I really enjoyed the video they showed on famous people with LD's.  I think that this is a great resource to use with students and one that I would love to show.  I think it gives students mentors to look up to and helps them see that it is realistic to set high goals for themselves even though they may be diagnosed with an LD.  The second highlight for me was the app Idea Sketch.  This is an app that I could use for many, if not all, of my students.  I like the user friendliness of the site and I think that students would be highly motivated to use these graphic organisers to help in their writing. 
       I really enjoyed all of the presentations and was amazed by the wonderful apps that I could be using in my classroom if I had an ipad.  I have already expressed my interest in getting one with my administrator and hopefully I may have access to one someday.     :)

1 comment:

  1. I've got my fingers crossed for you that you do get an iPad! :)
    I use mine all day- my students will use it on an individual basis and small groups. I also use it with my whole class- my principal bought me an attachment which hooks your iPad up to your LCD projector- I highly recommend this! Its great for mental math, and just about every other subject! I also use it with Pocket Pond and play this while my students are reading and writing.
