Friday, 27 April 2012

Exploring AT

In my second exploration of assistive technology, I was introduced to the CCTV.   CCTV stands for closed circuit television.  I have attached a picture of the one we have at our school.  It is usually used for people with low vision.  This television is able to magnify images and it can also change the colour and contrast.  For example, it can change print from black lettering on a white background to white lettering on black.  This change can help some students with vision problems.  This device has a tray on which books, magazines or maps can be placed.  This enables the book to be seen by the camera and displayed on the monitor. 

This is a great machine in that it helps students in our school see books that they would not be able to read otherwise.  The challenge for me as a classroom teacher is that it is not mobile.  It is setup in one room and that is where it has to stay.  This means that students have to leave their regular classroom when they need to use the CCTV.  I look forward to having access to a more mobile CCTV or to another piece of assistive technology that is mobile that can perform the same task.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This is a very interesting device. As far as mobility is concerned, I am sure there are iPad apps that will be able to do all that this can (and more) plus be a lot easier to move and use.
